Thursday, 4 June 2009

I've been wired - part 2

When you say ‘I’ve been wired’ where I’m from, it means someone has put a pube in your drink or food. This is not what I mean by this blog post – I haven’t been wired in that sense, thank goodness, as its quite disgusting. Its why you shouldn’t be rude to waiters.

SPOILER FOLLOWS (if you haven’t seen the 2nd series of The Wire)

So just finished watching series 2 of The Wire. It was as addictive as the first series, took a few episodes to get to know all the new characters – the dock guys. And so good to see the old undercover team back together again. Even McNulty managed to get off the boat, eventually. His boss’s vitriol towards him knows no bounds!

A special mention goes to Ziggy, the most irritating bloke in the world. But when he went all post-office-worker on their asses, couldn’t help but feel sorry for him and then seeing him in prison surrounded by all those big blokes… poor little Ziggy. Should have stuck with his street-wise cuz, Nick. It took me quite a few episodes to like Nick, but in the end I was glad he survived the series.

We even got to see what Avon and D’Angelo were up to in prison. Bit of a shocker when D’Angelo got strangled … and everyone thought he committed suicide. I didn’t believe he was gone, really. Up until the funeral. I liked D’Angelo. That Stringer had been watch out, if Avon finds out he was behind that, dead dead dead. Stringer hasn’t been following orders lately either, as a good Second should, his days are surely numbered. Though he is very clever. We’ll see I guess, next series. Bring it on BBC2, please!!!